Feed your emotions, this monsoon

July 21, 2021

The Indian obsession with food is no longer shrouded in obscurity to the rest of the world. Stirred by the incessant tropical monsoons of India, the cravings for classic food combinations reach such a fever pitch that they cannot be ignored at any cost. Irrespective of a person’s standpoint on health and wellness, nobody can avoid the allure of a few extra calories that these specific foods may carry. The snug feeling of staying indoors during the rainy season, wrapped up in the pleasure of sampling the taste of a comfort food physically embodies the terms “cosiness” and “contentment”.

Classic monsoon food combinations
The sound of the first raindrops striking the windowpane is the literal bat signal for frying up some mouthwatering snacks of choice. Some of the most popular dishes that top the list of classic food combinations are as follows:


1. Chai- Pakora: Chai refers to tea and pakora are fritters made from vegetables, meat, egg or fish that are thickly coated in a batter of seasoned gram flour and fried in oil. Try frying your pakoras in Purti rice bran oil to get an extra dosage of goodness.



2. Coke and Pav Bhaji: Pav Bhaji is a dish hailing from Maharashtra which is essentially soft and buttery dinner rolls in spicy mashed vegetable gravy preferably cooked in Purti vegetable oil for a delicious outcome. Coke is considered the beverage that perfectly complements the taste of pav bhaji.



3. Puneri Misaal and Piyush: Originated in Maharashtra these two dishes perfectly complement one another. Piyush is a sweet drink made from buttermilk while misaal is a hot and spicy preparation made from peas. For an extra punch of tastiness, consider preparing the misaal in Purti Kachighani oil.



4. Kachori-Sabzi: Kachori is a deep-fried Indian flatbread while sabzi is a highly spiced savoury vegetable curry. This is a classic duet that never gets old and is a must-eat food combination during monsoons. For added benefits, use the rice bran oil from the house of Purti.



Keeping count of the calorie content
Most of these archetypal rainy-day foods are deep-fried by submerging in hot oil. Deep frying leads to oxidation which damages the chemical constitution of unsaturated fatty acids and antioxidant vitamins that are generally present in food. Moreover, fried foods are calorie-rich in nature containing very high levels of fat and sodium.

Health implications
Contrary to popular belief, celebrity dietician Rijuta Diwekar thinks,” Deep frying in essential fats like those in or groundnut oil, etc, reduces the glycemic index of the food item and also helps absorb fat-soluble vitamins like A, D, E, and K. This not only lead to the regulation of blood sugar levels but also boosts up the immune system in the changing season and bones get a strengthening dose for the upcoming winter.” As all Purti products are sourced from natural sources, they have a superior and unmatched quality which makes them the promoter of good health. So even in monsoon, popular fried food combinations can be enjoyed without the fear of health repercussions.

Healthy Alternatives
Frying foods can prove to be less dangerous when done right. Maintaining a low temperature throughout the process of frying and using superior quality oils are a step in the right direction. Draining excess oil before serving is also considered a good practice. So go online, search for your favourite recipes and cook them up in Purti oil. This monsoon lets us all just feed our emotions while keeping our tummy healthy and happy.

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